
Packing for healthy travel 1
Jul 07, 2023

Simple Tips for Healthy Travel

Got big travel plans this year? No one wants their travel interrupted by illness. Check out our guide with simple tips for helping you stay healthy while traveling.
Prevent lyme disease
Jun 20, 2023

Get the Facts on Lyme Disease (and other Tick-Borne Illnesses)

More time outside in the summer leads to an increased risk of tick bites & tick-borne illnesses. Learn what to do if you get bitten - and how to prevent bites in the first place.
Woman learning about bhrt in birmingham
Jun 07, 2023

6 Common Myths about BHRT

Getting conflicting information about BHRT? You’re not alone. Dr. Ashley Tamucci sets the record straight by tackling six common myths about BHRT.
Man in pain ready to see his doctor
May 22, 2023

When to See Your Doctor About Pain

When do you need to stop pushing through pain and schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor? Check out our guide to talking with your doctor about pain.
Woman using patient portal
May 03, 2023

Take Ownership of Your Health with Your Patient Portal

Have you ever used a patient portal? You may be surprised to learn that our patient portal is a valuable tool for urgent care and primary care patients. Learn more.
Weight loss scale
Apr 26, 2023

Answers to Your Questions About Weight Loss Injections

News about weight loss injections is everywhere – and so are the questions. Dr. Tamucci is here to answer the most common questions about these injections.
Healthy woman after screening tests
Apr 07, 2023

5 Screenings That Can Save Your Life

We’re not exaggerating: early detection of cancer and other health conditions can save your life. Is it time to talk to your primary care doctor about screenings?
Man after a vaccine appointment
Mar 22, 2023

Adult Vaccine Basics

Vaccines aren't just for kids. Adults also need vaccines to keep them healthy. But do you know what vaccines you need and when you need them? Check out our guide.
Tired woman who needs better sleep
Mar 06, 2023

Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Tips.

You already know that sleep is important. But do you know why? It’s about so much more than rest. Learn how to get better sleep - and where to go if you need help.
Phone used for telehealth appointment
Feb 20, 2023

Telehealth is for Primary Care Patients, Too

Did you know telehealth appointments are a convenient option for primary care patients? Learn how telehealth can make accessing healthcare easier than ever.