
Winter mental health cat
Jan 18, 2022

Is it Time for a Winter Mental Health Check-up?

Feelings of depression can be common in the winter. It may be time to give yourself a winter mental health check-up and get help from a doctor if you need it.
Person reading the news on phone
Jan 05, 2022

Omicron is Here. Now What?

Worried about the Omicron variant? MedHelp CEO and physician Dr. Jordan Vaughn shares his straightforward, spin-free perspective on this new Covid variant.
Aesthetic derm gifts for christmas in birmingham
Dec 06, 2021

Give the Gift of Aesthetic Dermatology

Aesthetic dermatology products and services make great gifts. Give the gift of Dysport, Restylane, or Skinceuticals, available in Birmingham at MedHelp 280.
Sick day waiting for covid treatment with dog
Nov 22, 2021

Know Your Options for Early Covid Treatment

Early treatment for Covid-19 is key to preventing hospitalization and death, but many people don’t even know that options exist. Here’s what you need to know.
Nurse taking vital signs with patient at medhelp
Nov 15, 2021

Your Guide to Primary Care Lab Tests

Primary care doctors use lab tests to diagnose, screen, and monitor acute and chronic conditions. Learn about five common labs used by your primary care doctor.
Lab tech running samples at medhelp
Oct 28, 2021

Three Common Lab Tests at Urgent Care

Urgent care doctors order lab tests to better diagnose an illness when you’re sick. Learn about the 3 most common labs used by doctors at urgent care clinics.
Woman writing in calendar to get her flu shot
Oct 11, 2021

Don't Forget About Your Flu Shot This Year

Don’t let vaccine fatigue keep you from getting your flu shot. Your flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and your neighbors from the flu this year.
boy wearing superhero costume with cape and mask
Oct 05, 2021

4 Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Cold and flu season is on the way. Try these four simple ways to give your immune system a boost so it can work more effectively all year round.
Man confused by health information
Sep 20, 2021

Looking for health advice? Start by talking to your primary care doctor.

When you’re not sure what to do about your health or you’re feeling confused about health information, it’s time to talk to your primary care doctor.
Child wearing glasses showing arm after vaccine
Aug 31, 2021

How Covid-19 has changed the way we look at vaccines. (Spoiler: It’s not for the better.)

With the rise of Delta, the Covid vaccines are becoming less effective. But don’t let that cause you to distrust vaccines; they're still safe and effective.